What You Need To Know Before You Tow
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What You Need To Know Before You Tow

Woe is you! Your precious vehicle is out of commission. It could be an accident or a mechanical malfunction, but whatever the cause, you need a tow. Klis Brothers Firestone Complete Auto Care is ready to help get your machine back in prime working condition, but first, you need to move your wheels. Before you whip out your phone, here are a few factors to consider:


Yes, your insurance could cover the damage and even the tow. That said, you should consult with your insurance company to determine any special course of action. Your insurance representative can tell you exactly what your policy will cover and what the company needs to get you the compensation you pay for. Don’t mess with this. The financial consequences could be as bad as the damage to your vehicle.


Do you need to call the police? If you plan on submitting an insurance claim, you probably will need the official police report. If someone has been injured, you’ll probably need a police report. Yes, get your vehicle towed as fast as you can, because leaving a smashed or broken car in the ditch can pose a hazard. Then check your state laws and insurance provider. Each state has a different time limit to report an accident as well as the amount of damage that requires reporting. Don’t complicate an already difficult situation by not having the right paperwork.


Mechanical problems caused your accident? What about the repairs on your vehicle? Will your warranty still be valid? Don’t worry about that as you stand by the side of the road, but be aware that repairs could seriously impact your vehicle’s warranty. Talk to your mechanic and make sure you have your warranty handy.


The tow truck has shown up and you start to relax. Not so fast. Here’s just a partial list of all that could go wrong:

  • The hook that pulls your vehicle could rip off the bumper or bend the frame
  • Your vehicle could come unhooked and slam down on the road or into traffic
  • The driver turns sharply, causing his vehicle or his deck truck to further damage your vehicle
  • Someone could get into your vehicle and get personal information from the glove box or take possessions you’ve left in the car
  • And that’s just the start.

There’s a simple way to insure that your poor injured vehicle is towed right. Call a company you can trust: Klis Brothers North Shore Firestone: 631-462-6677. Not only will we tow you and get your vehicle back on the road, we’ll help you navigate all the problems that can get in the way.

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